
A comprehensive understanding of rabbit behaviour and effective rabbit management is crucial for achieving sustained reduction in rabbit populations across our landscape over the long term.

Rabbits don’t stop at property boundaries, making it impossible to address the problem individually. To restore degraded landscapes, safeguard cultural heritage, and maintain primary production, collective efforts are essential. Feel free to explore the resources on rabbit management and community-led approaches.

Rabbit History & Impacts

Meet the Ferals – Rabbits

Have you ever wondered about the history of feral rabbits in Australia? How and why rabbits were introduced to Australia?

What are the impacts of Rabbits in Australia?

What are the impacts of Rabbits in Australia? A new report, ‘Fighting plagues and predators: Australia’s path to a pest

Rabbit Planning & Assessment

Access the VRAN Mentors

Are you struggling to manage rabbits on your property, in your community or workplace?

Map rabbits on your smart phone

RabbitScan is a free resource for landholders, Landcare groups, community groups, local Councils, professional pest controllers and biosecurity groups. Anyone

Pest Smart Guide – How to rapidly assess a rabbit problem and take action

Not sure if its kangaroos, wombats or rabbits impacting the landscape? Here's some simple visual assessments you can do when

Rabbit Control Cycle

Understand when to start your control and how to use the seasons and rabbit activity to your advantage.

Virtual Extension Officer

Explore the Virtual Extension Officer, a new interactive tool designed to help you manage 3 of Victoria’s worst invasive species

Working with contractors for effective rabbit control

You can employ an individual or a business to undertake or support you with rabbit control on your property. Having

Rabbit Management

The rabbit recipe

The VRAN team explain the key steps in an effective rabbit control program in this short video.

Best Practice Rabbit Management, Step 1 – Baiting

Rabbit baiting is the first step in an integrated rabbit management program and is a useful knock- down technique to

Best Practice Rabbit Management, Step 2 – Ripping

The second step in a best practice rabbit management program after baiting, is ripping.

Best Practice Rabbit Management, Step 3 – Fumigation

The third step in best practice rabbit management is fumigation.

Best Practice Rabbit Control Document

Best Practice Rabbit Management (BPRM) uses integrated and proven methods that are applied in the correct sequence in the right

Working with contractors for effective rabbit control

You can employ an individual or a business to undertake or support you with rabbit control on your property. Having

Pest Smart Guide – How to rapidly assess a rabbit problem and take action

Not sure if its kangaroos, wombats or rabbits impacting the landscape? Here's some simple visual assessments you can do when

Agriculture Victoria rabbit control video series

Are you looking for new information on best practice management advice for pest animals? Agriculture Victoria have produced a new

Virtual Extension Officer

Explore the Virtual Extension Officer, a new interactive tool designed to help you manage 3 of Victoria’s worst invasive species

Rabbit Control Evaluation & Monitoring

Detector Dogs

Detection dogs have long been used to locate drugs, explosives and other illegal materials for the purposes of quarantine and

Pestsmart – Evaluate and modify your rabbit management plan

Pestsmart – How to report rabbit disease and dead rabbits

VRAN Bootcamps

Wurundjeri Elder Uncle Dave at VRAN Leadership Course 2023

2023 VRAN Leadership Course Video – Phillip Island

Wangaratta Bootcamp 2021

Ned’s Corner Bootcamp 2019 video

Euroa Bootcamp 2018 video

Rabbit Control Success Stories

Bringing Back the Bush

We are incredibly proud of the work our Community Action Grant recipients are doing across Victoria to raise awareness of

Building on a lifetime of rabbit knowledge

A land manager’s perspective on collaborative learning and rabbit action.

Changing the approach to peri-urban rabbits

A local government perspective on collaborative learning and rabbit action.

Chasing the Last Rabbit

For many land managers the prospect of being ‘rabbit free’ may seem unachievable. But for Jonathon Ricciardello and his team

Chef to Environmental Warrior

Former chef, Aris Sertarides, undertook a course in land management a few years ago, and discovered that his real passion

Connecting government with communities to build capacity

A government agency perspective on collaborative learning and rabbit action.

Reclaiming the rabbit problem with communities

Leaders from community and government speak on how why community led action is so crucial for rabbit management.

VRAN Reports

2022/2023 Progress Report

Current VRAN Strategy Report

Journal Articles, Case Studies & Reports

Community-led approaches can lead to better outcomes for management of European Rabbits Oryctolagus cuniculus and other invasive species

In our journal paper featured in ‘The Victorian Naturalist’ we briefly report on the history and problem of Rabbits and

Political economics, collective action and wicked socio-ecological problems: A practice story from the field

A journal paper discussing the wicked problem of rabbits, community engagement and the emergence of the Victorian Rabbit Action Network.

Rabbit Management in Culturally Sensitive Areas

Acknowledging that delivering rabbit control in Aboriginal sensitive landscapes can be a challenge for land managers and community, the Victorian

Reclaiming the rabbit problem with Australia’s communities

A short booklet of testimonies and perspectives from participants involved in VRAN.

Victorian Rabbit Management Collaboration Initiative

A full report on the development of VRAN.

VRAN Formative Evaluation, 2014-16: Summary Report

An evaluation of the key outcomes and impacts of VRAN, 2014-2016.

VRAN Impact Analysis

An evaluation of VRAN’s social, environmental and economic impacts, 2013-2017.

Victorian Community Pest Management Groups

Victorian Blackberry Taskforce

Controlling blackberry is a long-term project and generally cannot be achieved by one-off strategies, particularly for larger infestations.

Victorian Gorse Taskforce

Gorse is one of Australia’s worst weeds. It infests valuable pastural land and significantly reduces land values. It’s a haven

Victorian Serrated Tussock Working Party

A highly invasive tussock forming grass that is capable of growing in a range of climates and soil types.

These publications may be of assistance to you but the Victorian Rabbit Action Network and its employees do not guarantee that the publication is without flaw of any kind or is wholly appropriate for your particular purposes and therefore disclaims all liability for any error, loss or other consequence which may arise from you relying on any information in this publication.  While every effort has been made to ensure the currency, accuracy or completeness of the content we endeavour to keep the content relevant and up to date and reserve the right to make changes as require. The Victorian Rabbit Action Network, authors and presenters do not accept any liability to any person for the information (or the use of the information) which is provided or referred to in the documents.

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