Best Practice Rabbit Management, Step 3 – Fumigation

13 April 2021
The third step in best practice rabbit management is fumigation.

Fumigation is the method you use following bating and ripping, after the burrows have been destroyed and rabbit numbers are reduced, to ensure your program is keeping rabbit numbers down.

Aluminium phosphide is the most commonly used fumigant — it comes in a tablet form and releases poisonous phosphine gas when activated by moisture.

 TIP: Remember all fumigants are Schedule 7 poisons therefore an Agricultural Chemical Users Permit (ACUP) is required to purchase them. Schedule 7 poisons can only be used by holder of an ACUP or under the direct supervision of an ACUP holder.

Detailed instructions for conducting fumigation can be found on the product label and must be adhered to at all times and you must also wear appropriate personal protective equipment as specified on the product label.

Fumigation can be carried out at any time of year, but it has the greatest long-term effect if done shortly before the commencement of the rabbit breeding season.

Here are our key steps to implementing a successful fumigation program:

  • Ensure rabbits are in the warren. Fumigation will only be effective on those rabbits that are in the warren when it is fumigated. Use dogs to roam the area to flush rabbits into the warrens prior to fumigation.
  • Find all the entrances. Use a smoking device to locate and mark all entrances to the warren, these machines can often be hired from your local Landcare group.
  • Clear the entrances. Cut the entrance back using a shovel to get easy access to the warren entrance and ensure effective fumigation. Find the shallow openings to the burrows, (the ones that usually cave in when you stand on them) and then dig the openings back to solid ground. This helps seal the warren during fumigation and reduces the chance of the rabbits escaping after treatment.
  • Apply fumigant to each entrance as per product label.
  • Seal the entrance with soil that will help prevent rabbits digging in or out. Compact and flatten the soil to reduce the likelihood of re-opening but be careful not to cover the fumigant tablet with soil.
  • Regularly check all warrens and re-treat any openings immediately.
  1. VRAN Video Resources

Title: Video Guide to Fumigation

This video from our VRAN mentors, Tim Bloomfield and Brad Spear has all the tips and tricks you need to undertake fumigation on your property as part of your rabbit control program.

 WATCH: This video from our VRAN mentors, Tim Bloomfield and Brad Spear has all the tips and tricks you need to undertake fumigation on your property as part of your rabbit control program.

For more information about best practice rabbit management, you can check out the other pages on our website or visit via the button below.

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