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Cowes, Phillip Island, Victoria. Our classroom sessions will be conducted in the field at various locations across Phillip Island and classroom sessions will be held at the Phillip Island Nature Parks - Penguin Parade facilities. You will be staying overnight in accommodation located at Cowes.
The Victorian Rabbit Action Network ‘Leadership in Rabbit Control Course’ 2023 is open to all Victorians currently involved in the management of rabbits on private or public land.
The Leadership in Rabbit Control Course is a mentor course that includes both classroom and practical field-based training. Following the training, participants will be offered the opportunity to form a group or ‘Learning Network’ who can meet, share ideas and discuss rabbit management to continue their learning.
Twenty positions are available for the 2023 course. VRAN encourage diversity in our Leadership in Rabbit Control Course, and we want people with a range of perspectives and experiences to be involved. VRAN are seeking a balance of representation by gender, industry, regions, community groups, Traditional Owners, land managers, government agencies and other professionals.
The course will be facilitated by our VRAN mentors who are recognised experts in rabbit management and community-led action.
As a group, they provide expertise and insights from community, industry and government perspectives.
They will be supported by co-facilitators with diverse experience in community engagement and invasive species management from around Australia, across a range of sectors and organisations.
Yes. The Leadership in Rabbit Control Course is available for participants from Local Government, Catchment Management Authorities, water, road and rail authorities as well as professional contractors.
You will, however, be asked to cover your course fees, accommodation and meals for a total of $750.00 plus GST. You will also need to arrange your own travel to and from the course. If your application is successful, the fees will be required to be paid prior to the course.
There is no cost If you are a community member, Landcare facilitator or work for a not-for-profit organisation. All cost associated with the course including meals and accommodation will be paid on your behalf. You will need to arrange your own travel to and from the course.
Arrive: Wednesday 25 October 2023 at 12:00 pm.
Depart: Friday 27 October 2023 at 2:00 pm.
We ask that you make time to stay for the full program. This commitment will allow for you have more time to learn, network and meet others working in the same field.
In addition to the classroom and field session you get to network with a group of people that are on a similar journey to you and facing similar scenarios and issues. By participating in this course, you will enhance your existing contacts and pest management resources.
We will challenge you to consider what you can do differently to help your community, your rabbit control course for the better
Step 1: Create a google account to access application form
Step 2: Prepare an VRAN application form
Step 3: Submit Application Form by Friday 25 August 2023, 5 pm AEDST.
Step 4: Your application is assessed, and you are notified.
All participants will be assessed based on the evidence provided in their responses to the key selection criteria, that demonstrate their skills and experience, as outlined in their “Application Form”.
A VRAN selection panel will shortlist participants, talk with referees and notify you of the outcome of your application.
If you have any further questions regarding the Leadership in Rabbit Control Course, or how to complete the Application Form, please contact Nicole Garfi or Heidi Kleinert at
VRAN does not provide refunds for cancellation or change of mind. If your invoice is yet to be paid and you wish to cancel or can no longer attend, payment must be processed and a credit note will be issued for a subsequent course.
The course will be facilitated by our VRAN mentors who are recognised experts in rabbit management and community-led action.
As a group, they provide expertise and insights from community, industry and government perspectives.
They will be supported by co-facilitators with diverse experience in community engagement and invasive species management from around Australia, across a range of sectors and organisations.
The Leadership in Rabbit Control Course includes both classroom and practical field-based training.
By the end of the course participants will understand the ecology and biology of rabbits, Victoria’s legislation framework and how to implement an integrated rabbit control program.
We get our hands dirty and head outside to experience integrated rabbit control demonstrations and learn how to plan and implement monitoring courses to maximise the effectiveness of rabbit control. All participants will also attend an evening spotlight session.
We will also discuss things to consider when working in sensitive cultural heritage landscapes, the importance of collaboration, community engagement and chat about why rabbit work is challenging.
In addition to the classroom and field session you get to network with a group of people that are on a similar journey to you and facing similar scenarios and issues. By participating in this course, you will enhance your existing contacts and pest management resources.
We will challenge you to consider what you can do differently to help your community, your rabbit control course for the better.
Meet the ‘A team’ of rabbit control in Victoria. The VRAN mentors are recognised experts in rabbit management and community-led action. As a group, they provide expertise and insights from community, industry and government perspectives.
The mentors deliver VRAN’s Leadership in Rabbit Control Course and provide ongoing support for the VRAN learning networks. Every VRAN mentor has a more than a few rabbit seasons under their belt and has experience in working across both private and public land and in different landscapes across the State. They will share their knowledge with you and are good listeners too. Once you get to know them, you will no doubt teach them something new too.
After the course you will be invited to participate in our free Learning Network program. A Learning Network is a way of describing a group of people that you meet with, connect with on a common
topic and learn. Participants in the VRAN Rabbit Learning Network will have ongoing access to mentors and can give and receive support to each other after the Rabbit Control Course.
The participants and mentors of the first VRAN Leadership in Rabbit Control Course in 2015 formed a learning network.
Participants named the network ‘Leaps and Bounds’ and continue to meet 1-2 times a year across various locations around Victoria to share their experiences in rabbit management.
Independent evaluations of VRAN and the Leaps and Bounds learning network show that the initiative has:
Sounds interesting? Check out these stories from the Leaps and Bounds participants.