Our Work:


BIIK Program 2023


Biik & VRAN


2022 - 2023

Funding Partner:

Biik & Agriculture Victoria


Biik wanted to increase their rabbit management knowledge and improve their practices that will benefit Country for all. The Project was co-designed for professionals working in NRM roles for First Nations enterprises.


This program was delivered on Taungurung Country. Taungurung locations: Alexandra, Buxton, Euroa, Gooram and Taggerty.

Biik is an enterprise established by Taungurung Land and Waters Council (TLWC), to provide cultural and natural resource management (CNRM) services right across Taungurung traditional country.

Collaboratively, VRAN and Biik designed an enjoyable and interactive course that blended classroom and field sessions, all taking place on Taungurung Country. During this experience, we shared insights and exchanged knowledge about effective rabbit management, cultural heritage, and the significance of caring for and healing the land.

The VRAN mentors continued to provide peer support to five Biik staff for 12 months. Sessions focused on hands on learning, mentoring and community engagement.

The course also facilitated greater engagement with First Nations enterprises. Biik established connections and worked collaboratively with organizations such as Cathedral Landcare, Granite Creek Landcare, Alexandra Historic Railway, Michael Kaponica, and Euroa Arboretum.

VRAN are thrilled to have partnered with Biik on this project.

Building Cultural Awareness Workshop 2019


First People of Millewa-Mallee, Parks Victoria, Aboriginal Affairs Victoria, Agriculture Victoria, Department of Land, Water and Environment, Trust for Nature, Mallee Catchment Management Authority and Mildura City.

Funding Partner:

Australian Government’s White Paper Funding and Agriculture Victoria


Managing rabbit populations in Aboriginal-sensitive landscapes poses significant challenges for land managers and the community. To raise awareness of Aboriginal heritage, address rabbit management issues, and foster partnerships, VRAN organised a two-day workshop attended by 30 individuals from various stakeholder groups.


Neds Corner Station, a Trust for Nature property, located in Northwest Victoria (near Cullulleraine).

Thirty individuals representing various local stakeholder groups attended a workshop featuring presentations on topics such as ‘A Landscape Without Rabbits,’ ‘Working with the Aboriginal Heritage Act 2006,’ and ‘Landcare and Aboriginal Inclusion.

It offered participants the chance to observe firsthand how Indigenous, government, and Landcare/community groups are effectively addressing the challenges of rabbit management in Aboriginal-sensitive landscapes. Additionally, it provided a platform for participants to share and learn best practices for rabbit management in these sensitive areas, fostering a sense of motivation to collaborate for more effective and sustainable rabbit control in the future.

By helping people, help the land, VRAN aims to build expertise and create a strong collaborative culture whereby local communities can successfully manage rabbits through partnerships with Traditional Owners, land managers, government and industry.

For more information about this partnership please click here.

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