Community and Partners Information Session (Full Day)

VRAN will collaborate with you to design and deliver a full-day, customised information session for your community and key stakeholders. These stakeholders may include Traditional Owners, Local Government, and State Government agencies. During this session, we’ll provide a concise overview of the impact of rabbits on our landscapes, introduce integrated pest management strategies, and discuss actionable steps that your community can take to create positive change in peri-urban, urban, and rural environments. Depending on your group’s availability, this session can be delivered as either one or two sessions

VRAN Support

A VRAN Mentor and Facilitator will assist your community in planning, promoting, and delivering your information session(s).

Additional Charges

Will be incurred depending on the event’s location. These fees cover travel time, travel rates (set at ATO rates), meals, and accommodation.

Our Goal

Engage, motivate and assist collaboration during the event.

Learn more about VRAN

Visit our About page to learn more. If you have any further questions, please send an email to

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